Women and Music
Subject Headings
*See also specific names, e.g.: Armer, Elinor; Hildegard, Saint; Rainey, Ma; Seeger, Ruth Crawford.
Feminism and the arts
Feminism and music
Music and society
Women composers
Women jazz musicians
Women musicians
Women rock musicians
Selected SFCM Library resources
Block, Adrienne Fried. Women in American Music: a Bibliography of Music and Literature. Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 1979. REF ML128 .W87 B651
Cook, Susan C. and Judy S. Tsou, eds. Cecilia Reclaimed: Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Music. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1994. ML82.C388 C7 1994
Cohen, Aaron I. International Encyclopedia of Women Composers. 2 vols. New York : Books & Music, 1987. REF ML105 .C678 I6 1987
Ericson, Margaret D. Women and Music: A Selective Annotated Bibliography on Women and Gender Issues in Music, 1987-1992. New York: G.K. Hall; London: Prentice Hall International, 1996. REF ML128.W7 E6 1996
Frasier, Jane. Women composers: a discography. Detroit: Information Coordinators, 1983 ML156.4.W8 F8
Halstead, Jill. The woman composer: creativity and the gendered politics of musical composition Aldershot [England] ; Brookfield USA Ashgate, c1997. ML82.H196 W8 1997.
Handy, D. Antoinette. Black Women in American Bands and Orchestras. 2nd edition. Metuchen, NJ : Scarecrow Press, 1998.ML82 .H236 1998
Hixon, Donald L. Women in Music: An Encyclopedic Biobibliography. Metuchen, NJ : Scarecrow Press, 1993. REF ML105 .H676 W8 1993
Jezic, Diane. Women composers : the lost tradition found. 2nd ed. New York : Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1994. ML82.J59 W8
MacAuslan, Janna. Guitar music by women composers: an annotated catalog. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1997. REFML128.G968 M11 1997
McClary, Susan. Feminine Endings: Music, Gender and Sexuality. Minneapolis : Univ. of Minneapolis Press, 1990. ML82.M126 F3
Music and gender. Edited by Pirkko Moisala and Beverley Diamond; Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2000. ML82 .M74 2000
Neuls-Bates, Carol, ed. Women in Music: An Anthology of Source Readings from the Middle Ages to the Present. Boston: Northeastern Univ. Press, 1996. ML82.W8 N487 1996
Norton/Grove Dictionary of Women Composers. Julie Anne Sadie and Rhian Samuels, eds. New York : W.W. Norton, 1995. REF ML105 N882 W8
Skowronski, JoAnn. Women in American music: a bibliography. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1978. REF ML128.W87 S628
Upton, George P. Women in music. 4th ed. Chicago: A.C. McClurg and Co., 1892.] ARCHIVE ML82 .U71
Women & music : a history. Edited by Karin Pendle. 2nd ed. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2001. ML82.P398 .W8 2001
Walker-Hill, Helen. Music by Black Women Composers: A Bibliography of Available Scores. Chicago: Center for Black Music Research, Columbia College, 1995. REF ML128 W7 W1 1995
IAWM Journal (International Alliance for Women in Music)
Women & Music
Women of Note Quarterly
Black Women Composers: A Century of Piano Music. Helen Walker-Hill, ed. Bryn Mawr, PA: Hildegard Pub. Co., 1998. REFM21 B55 1992
Contemporary Anthology of Music by Women. James R. Briscoe, ed. Bloomington, IN: Indiana Univ. Press, 1997. REF M1.C761 B8 1997
[accompanying recording: CD1859]
Historical Anthology of Music by Women. James R. Briscoe, ed. Bloomington, IN : Indiana Univ. Press, 1987. REF M1.B859 H6
[accompanying recording: CD1990]
Women Composers: Music Through the Ages. Martha Furman Schleiferand Sylvia Glickman, eds. New York : G.K. Hall & Co., 1995-1999. 12 vols (in progress). REF M2 .W872
Arsis Press: Concert Music by Women Composers
Lists Arsis publications as well as biographical information about many of the composers. Includes links to other sites useful to women in music.
Bibliography of Sources Related to Women's Studies, Gender Studies, Feminism, and Music
This bibliography was developed by the Committee on the Status of Women of the Society for Music Theory and serves as a repository of information about women and music.
Clara `96
Home page for information regarding Clara Wieck Schumann.
Links provide an overview of the Early Music Women Composers pages arranged chronologically, providing a virtual walk through women's music and arts history. Articles on women in early music are accompanied by parallel fine art illustrations, often by early women artists, along with CD recommendations, song texts and MIDI sound files.
Catalog of music by women composers. Includes printed music, CDs, books, and news.
Life and Works of Hildegard von Bingen (Duke University)
Links to information about Saint Hildegard.
International Alliance for Women in Music
The IAWM web site is a resource on women composers and women in music topics. This community archive is developed and maintained by members of the IAWM and contains more than 4500 pages of archival resources including bibliographies, discographies, course syllabi, composer information, awards, festivals, concerts, radio programming, organizations, libraries, and archives.
Ladyslipper Music
"Ladyslipper is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to heighten public awareness of the achievements of women artists and musicians, and to expand the scope and availability of recordings by women."
Worldwide Internet Music Resource - Indiana University School of Music
Women in Music National Network
Homepage for this non-profit organization whose purpose is to recognize and promote the efforts of women in the music industry. Includes information about careers, networking, news, events, and professional resources.